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Hit Box Sports Cards
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What Does a ‘Hit’ Mean in Sports Cards?

What Does a ‘Hit’ Mean in Sports Cards?

Sports cards have been around for decades and are a popular way for fans to collect memorabilia from their favorite teams and players. But what does it mean when someone talks about a “hit” in sports cards? In this blog post, we’ll explore what a hit is, why it’s important, and how to identify one.

What Is a Hit?
A hit is a card that has been pulled from a pack of sports cards that contains something special or rare. This could be an autograph, game-used memorabilia, or even an extra card with special artwork. Hits are usually the most sought-after cards in any set because they are the most valuable and desirable.

Why Are Hits Important?
Hits are important because they can add significant value to any collection. They can also be used as investments since they tend to increase in value over time. For example, if you find an autographed card of your favorite player from 10 years ago, it could be worth much more now than when it was originally released.

How to Identify a Hit
Identifying a hit can be tricky since there is no universal definition of what constitutes one. Generally speaking, hits are usually identified by their rarity or special features. Autographs and game-used memorabilia are two of the most common types of hits found in packs of sports cards. Other types of hits include printing plates, parallel cards, and inserts with unique artwork or designs.

Hobby boxes usually guarantee a certain number of hits in each box, and cases of hobby boxes usually contain a certain number of additional, rarer cards known as 'Case Hits'.  You can refer to sites like Cardboard Connection for a good idea of what box and case hits are available in the product you are opening. 

In conclusion, hits are an important part of the sports card collecting world because they can add significant value to any collection. They can also be used as investments since they tend to increase in value over time. Identifying a hit can be tricky since there is no universal definition of what constitutes one but generally speaking they are identified by their rarity or special features such as autographs or game-used memorabilia.

This is one reason we love monthly sports card subscription boxes like our Hit Boxes, because you have a chance to find hits and case hits from a wide variety of product lines!

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