Blog posts
March 31, 2025
September Pack Lists!
Summer is nearly over but the September updates for Hit Boxes will keep things hot for a while! Lists are ready to go, and as always these lists are as...

August Pack Lists
August is here, the Summer Games in Paris are underway, NFL training camps have started, and the MLB season is over halfway done. A great time for Sports Fans everywhere!...

July Pack Lists are ready!
July is coming and it's time to celebrate both Canada Day and the 4th of July for our American neighbours. Shipping will occur on schedule for Monthly boxes, but expect...

April 2024 Pack Lists Announced
Spring has sprung, sort of. We've had an unusually warm and wet March here in the middle of the prairies and I hope that you are all having mild weather...

January 2024 Pack Lists announced!
Our first year of operation has come to it's end and we head into 2024 with gratitude for our customers and excitement for the new products to come. We've ordered...

Holiday Blaster Blowout Winners!
First of all, thank you once again to our amazing customers who keep us growing with each passing month. We are so happy to be able to give back with...

December Pack Lists are ready!
December is almost here, and so is the draw for the Holiday Blaster Blowout! We expect to give away around 40-50 blaster boxes absolutely free depending on how many new...

November Pack Lists Announced!
November is fast approaching and pack lists are finalized for all sports. As always, these are accurate for current subscribers but may vary as new subscriptions are received. Remember if...

October Pack Lists Announced!
To say that September has been busy would be a terrible understatement. We've been feverishly hunting for bargains and restocking for October Hit Boxes, and we have some fantastic new...